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    Who I am

Who I am.  Joe Peters.  A regular 46 year old man who decided that age, injuries and faulty pain management options were not going to determine who I am or what I am capable of in anyway. Since I was in my early teens I had trained with weights/conditioning...but never seriously..I was never exceedingly athletic......just enough to keep up with the pack.          

Until herniated discs in my lower back at age 33 led me to contemplate my own physical limitations, the possibility of being disabled and the realization that I was NOT this invincible bulletproof guy I had assumed I was.  I was mortal and like everyone else...and if pushed to far....I was breakable.   Something I hated to accept.  Pride was a tough thing to swallow.                                                                           

However.....I may have accepted this new found truth about myself.  One thing I would NEVER allow myself was to become is a victim, a quitter or weak.  If anything this injury had brought out the true fight in me...and while I wouldn't wish injuries on anyone.  I also wouldn't change a thing in my life. This injury led me to dedicate myself to strength in every area it exists.  Strength is not just a physical concept.  It is all encompassing.  Mental, Physical, Emotional and as cliche' as it is to say it...spiritual.                             

After several wrong turns in my search to overcome my injury, I decided to stop looking to others (at least in this case) and take advantage of this wealth of information available to us all and essentially FIX myself.  Which is exactly what I did.  Through proper strength training, cardio conditioning, stress/lifestyle management and a healthy diet, I am in better shape overall than I have ever been in my life.                                                                       

In short, if I can do it....I know you can as well.  If you commit to using the tools and applying them to your life and making changes to your lifestyle.  Shedding your bad habits the useless clutter and unlimited excuses most of us are guilty of having and making.  You can become and remain strong,healthy and vital.  This applies to people of any age.  In fact the sooner you start paying attention to your physical strength and personal nutrition...the better equipped you will be at facing challenges that ultimately come with age.  Get strong....stay strong.  Live Better.

We all spend so much of our time taking care of every other aspect of our lives, yet most dedicate virtually no time to taking care of the one machine that directly influences every part of your life.  The one machine that is crucial to everything you do.  Your body.  You only get one...take care of it and it will take care of you.